DMZ Researcher's Dilemma, Notes in Vondel Zoo Vet Office

In our DMZ Researcher’s Dilemma, Notes in Vondel Zoo Vet Office guide, we are going to explain where to find the Researcher’s Notes in the veterinary office and then where to place it on the 2nd floor of the church. Oh, and what you need to get into the vet’s office in the first place, of course. So, in short, we’ll tell you how to complete the whole Researcher’s Dilemma mission. Let’s hop right in.

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dmz researchers dilemma notes in vondel zoo vet office
DMZ Researcher’s Dilemma, Notes in Vondel Zoo Vet Office

Find Researcher’s Notes in Vondel Zoo Veterinary Office DMZ

To find the Researcher’s Notes in the DMZ Vondel Zoo veterinary office in the Researcher’s Dilemma mission, you first need to go to the zoo itself. That’s in the south of the map, and it’s honestly not that hard to locate. It’s a large area. The vet’s office is in the large building in the southwestern corner of the map. Keep in mind that you need either the skeleton key or the vet key to go inside. Both can drop from high-value enemies. Anyways, you need to go into the large office full of fridges. The notes will be on the long desk along one of the walls.

find researchers notes in vondel zoo veterinary office dmz researchers dilemma
Vet office location

Place the Researcher’s Notes on the 2nd Floor of the Church in DMZ

After you find the Researcher’s Notes in the DMZ Vondel Zoo veterinary office for the Researcher’s Dilemma, you have to place it on the 2nd floor of the church. If you don’t know where that is, it’s in the northwest of the map. More specifically, it’s to the south of the castle. Enter the church through the main door, and you’ll find a ladder leading to the second floor. On the floor to your left, there’s a lantern and another set of notes next to it. Pick up those notes and drop the ones you got at the zoo. Then, take the notes from the church back to the vet’s office and put them in the same place you got the first notes from.

place the researchers notes on the 2nd floor of the church in dmz researchers dilemma
Church location
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.