Prepare your character for Destiny The Dark Below Expansion

In less than 15 hours the first Destiny’s expansion The Dark Below will be live. Destiny players who want to prepare their characters for the upcoming DLC and level up Legendary gear and weapons as fast as possible should be aware of some important facts:

  • New levels and Vanguard, Crucible and Faction gear will be available to everyone, but only the players who purchase The Dark Below expansion will be able to play new content – Raid Strikes and Missions.
  • DO NOT complete any exotic bounty, wait until tomorrow to turn them in, because you’ll get better exotics.
  • Get vanguard and crucible reputation close to leveling up (like 95% of rank) so you can quickly get a Reputation Reward Package tomorrow.
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    In addition to Crucible or Vanguard Marks, purchasing new Legendary items will require a Crucible or Vanguard Commendation. Commendations are received in Reputation Reward Packages delivered by the Postmaster upon reaching a new Reputation Level.
  • Try to have 21 coins and 21k for the next Friday so you can upgrade the maximum exotics in a week (which is currently 3, if the upgrades are available…). Please take a look at our guide How to upgrade Exotic weapons and armor through Xur
  • Complete as many 5000xp bounties as possible and wait until tomorrow to turn them in and level up a gun or armor when the expansion starts.
  • DO NOT use any shard or energy, keep them for the new Legendary items.
  • Farm Glimmer. Once you get level 30 you’ll be spending a lot of glimmer on new armor and weapon upgrades.
  • Glimmer cap is set at 25,000. Get past the Glimmer cap by vaulting the 200 Glimmer items. Network Keys, Silken Codex, House Banners, and Axiomatic Beads. You can get Axiomatic Beads from the Gatekeepr checkpoint and Silken Codexes from the Phogoth / Xyor part of the Thorn bounty.
  • Stack Ascendant materials because you’ll need them to upgrade weapons and armor. You can get them form VoG raid and for completing the daily story and public events.
  • Do not dismantle any Exotics. If you do it after expansion goes live you’ll get Exotic Shard after dismantling unwanted Exotics.
  • The fastest way for getting Strange Coins is grinding Tiger Strikes, where you have the greatest chance to get blue items.
  • Farm Black Wax Idol in order to purchase new upgrade materials, Ruined Core and Embalming Orb from Eris Morn