Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug, As the World Burns Issue Fix

After much anticipation and years of development, Diablo 4 is finally out. While first impressions are more than positive, the sheer size and scope of the game means that some bugs were bound to happen. One such bug can occur during the “As the World Burns” quest in Act 2. The goal here is to defeat Astaroth, a powerful boss. Normally, doing this would be enough to complete the quest. But for some players, this isn’t happening, and they are stuck and can’t complete it and advance the game, since Astaroth is bugged. So is there anything you can do to fix this Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug “As the World Burns” issue? As we’re going to see in this guide, there are several methods you can try to resolve this problem, and we are going to go over all of them right here.

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Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug, As the World Burns Issue Fix
Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug, As the World Burns Issue Fix

How to Fix Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug in As the World Burns Quest

The Astaroth stuck bug in Diablo IV happens once you have defeated the boss himself. Instead of the game acknowledging this and progressing as it should, what happens instead is that the boss music continues playing and you can’t leave the area. So what can you do to fix this D4 Astaroth Bug? Luckily, there is a way to get past this. The first method here requires that you log off from the character that defeated Astaroth and to then log back in. We haven’t tried leaving the game altogether, though this could work, too.

As for the second solution, it appears that this problem is connected to Astaroth’s position on the map. If he gets too close or outside of the minimap, the kill likely won’t count. So try to finish him off while he is in the middle of the map. Note that you may need to repeat this entire process several times until the game acknowledges it and Astaroth is no longer stuck (not ideal, we know). If neither of these solutions work, there’s nothing else to do except to wait until Blizzard have fixed this bug on their end. And if you have figured out any other solution for the Diablo 4 Astaroth Bug, then please share it with us in the comments.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.