How to Get Gifts & Level Up Soul Emblems in DBZ Kakarot
Soul Emblems are part of the community boards feature in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Placing them on the boards unlocks various bonuses for all your characters. You can even level up soul emblems, which increases their power. To upgrade a soul emblem, you need to feed it gifts. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get gifts & level up soul emblems in DBZ Kakarot.

How to use gifts?
When you want to level up a soul emblem, you’ll have to give a gift to its owner. To do this, you should open up the menu, then select the Community section. Choose either Soul Emblems or Community Boards. Find the emblem you want, then hover the pointer over it. Pressing Triangle (Y on Xbox) will open up the soul emblem details. You will see the friendship gauge under the portrait, and a button prompt for giving gifts – it’s X on Playstation, A on Xbox.
Press the button, and you’ll get a list of gifts you can give that person, along with their effects on the person’s stats.
How to get gifts?
You’ll get gifts naturally as you progress, by completing battles and chapters from the main story. However, this probably won’t be enough, especially as you add more and more emblems to your boards. This means you’ll have to seek out side quests, as they often reward you with gift items. If you open up the map, you’ll see the available side missions marked with a blue exclamation mark.
Many of them also reward you with soul emblems of minor characters, so they’re useful in that way too. You can also check out any nearby traders, but they’re highly unlikely to have any. Your best bet is to keep grinding side quests and be picky when choosing who’s about to get a gift.