Premium Reindeer Meat Locations in DBZ Kakarot

Premium reindeer meat is one of the cooking ingredients in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. It’s a rare material, and you can only obtain it from certain animals in a certain region, and even then it’s not guaranteed. If you’re having trouble collecting enough of these to prepare the meal you’re interested in, we’re going to help you by showing you DBZ Kakarot premium reindeer meat locations.

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dbz kakarot premium reindeer meat locations
Premium Reindeer Meat Locations in DBZ Kakarot

Where to find premium reindeer meat?

The only reason to get premium reindeer meat is to hunt down large-antlered caribou. They can be found in the North Mountains Area, in the snow-covered forests around Darlinge Polynya. Since it’s a higher tier material, you might have to kill more than a few.

The main source of confusion here seems to be that a lot of folks think you have to hunt golden animals in order to get this ingredient. It’s probably because of the “premium” qualifier in the name. However, premium as it might be, it can drop from regular horned grazing animals.

We’ve also heard it can drop from the animals in the deserts of the Central Plains Area, but we haven’t checked that out since the mountains were generous enough. If you don’t have luck in the mountains, do try the desert – just keep in mind you’re not looking for gazelle here. From what we’ve seen, that’s what most of the confused folk are having trouble with. They might look the same, but they’re not the same animal.

Once you’ve got the premium reindeer meat, you can bring it to Chi-Chi, so she can prepare you a nice, home cooked full course meal. Judging by the stat boosts they provide, Chi-Chi’s cooking is the best in the world – taking some time to hunt down the ingredients really pays off.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.