FIFA 23 The Application Encountered An Unrecoverable Error Fix
In our FIFA 23 The Application Encountered An Unrecoverable Error Fix guide, we are going to show you what you can do in order to work around this issue. That should tide you over until EA hopefully roll out an official solution. It’s nothing too difficult once you know what to do. So, let’s dive straight in!

How to Fix Application Encountered Unrecoverable Error in FIFA 23
There are two potential fixes for the FIFA 23 The Application Encountered An Unrecoverable Error issue. Both of these workarounds have been approved over on EA Answers, so they’re legit. The first thing you can do is to make sure you’ve turned all of the overlays you normally use. This includes Nvidia, Origin’s proprietary overlay, Rivatuner, whatever it may be. The second method is a little longer. Head into Program Files, then EA > AC > EAAntiCheat.Installer. Open it and go through the scroll-down menu. Find FIFA 23, choose it, and then click Uninstall. The next step is to run Origin as admin and start FIFA 23 up. You’ll start seeing a new error, but don’t interact with it. Instead, just close Origin completely.
The following step to fix the FIFA 23 Application Encountered Unrecoverable Error situation is to open Origin as admin once more, and then repair FIFA 23. Once that’s done, you should be good to go. What we do have to mention at this point is that the developers are aware of the problem. At least, that seems to be the case judging by the post we’ve linked above, which lists it as “Under Investigation.” So, we can probably expect this error to be patched out at some point in the future. In the meantime, you’ll have to rely on the two solutions we’ve provided. That said, if you have any other methods you know of, let us all know in the comments. Also, feel free to check out out other FIFA 23 guides if you need further help with something else.