Fortnite Collect Literature Samples from Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row

Collect Literature Samples from Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row is one of the new Fortnite weekly challenges. It requires you to visit several specific locations in the three named areas. It’s not too difficult, but knowing exactly where the samples are makes it easier to do the rounds quickly and efficiently. That said, here’s our Fortnite Collect Literature Samples from Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row guide to help you out.

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fortnite collect literature samples from pleasant park lazy lake or retail row
Fortnite Collect Literature Samples from Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row

Where to Collect Literature Samples in Fortnite Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, Retail Row

To collect the Fortnite Literature Samples in Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row, there are several locations you need to visit in all three areas. When it comes to Pleasant Park, the first location to look in is the gray building to the west of the soccer field. As soon as you enter through the front door, look left to find the bookshelf. The second place is the brick house in the northwest corner. Head through the front door, then the first door on the left; you’ll spot another bookshelf.

As for Lazy Lake, there are also two locations. The first one is in the garage area of the Pleasant Park Spa (the big building next to the pool). There’s a magazine rack in the garage area, under a sign. The second magazine rack is in the nearby gas station.

Lastly, in Retail Row, there’s one Literature Sample we know of. It’s in the McGuffin’s bookstore. Go through the door to the left of the cafe, and find the magazine rack near the counter. Pretty simple to find, all things considered.

retail row literature samples location fortnite
Retail Row literature sample

Those are all the literature sample locations in Fortnite in Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row. You don’t have to visit them all, but this way, you can take your pick for which ones are the easiest for you. If we’ve missed some locations, let us know in the comments below.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.