Mistborn Fortnite Crossover Kelsier Outfit Bundle Available in Store

The crossover between Fortnite and the hit fantasy series Mistborn has been unveiled, and it’s just a set of cosmetics based around the character Kelsier. This includes two outfits (well, one with an extra variation), back bling, a pickaxe, and a loading screen. I’d assume that some people might have expected more from the Mistborn Fortnite Kelsier crossover, but that’s all you get for now.

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mistborn fortnite crossover kelsier outfit bundle available in store
Mistborn Fortnite Crossover Kelsier Outfit Bundle Available in Store

Mistborn Kelsier Outfit Crossover Bundle Now in Store

Yesterday, the official Fortnite Twitter teased content based on the popular Mistborn fantasy series. The ever-expanding metaverse of the game was going to get one intellectual property richer, and seeing as how successful the books are, a lot of people were excited to see what the developers have thought up. Well, a few short hours later, a second tweet revealed what the Mistborn crossover entails – a Kelsier cosmetics bundle that you can purchase in the shop.

The Fortnite website announced the Fortnite Mistborn crossover Kelsier outfit bundle like so: “The Survivor of Hathsin, Kelsier from the bestselling Mistborn series joins the fray of Fortnite. A long way away from the Cosmere, Kelsier emerges alongside the Hemalurgic Spikes Back Bling, the Volcanic Glass Daggers Pickaxe, and a Kelsier-themed Loading Screen. The Kelsier Outfit comes with an alternate Style: the masked, full-sleeved Undercover variant. All of these items are now available in the Fortnite Item Shop!”

So, that’s all there is to it. A bit of a letdown, in my humble opinion, but what are you gonna do? Maybe the developers have something more up their sleeves for the future, but for now, all you get in the Mistborn Fortnite Kelsier crossover are the two costumes and the new pickaxe, back bling, and loading theme. You can’t even get it via the battle pass or anything right now, you have to buy it. At least it looks kinda neat, I suppose.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.