Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map Locations

Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments in Fortnite are different locations that you have to visit to complete the Stone Age Secret Challenge. In order to do this challenge, you need to find three boulders and hit them to create Coral Buddy sphinxes, which are the titular Sculpted Border Monuments. We’re going to show you where to find all the Coral Buddy sphinxes in our Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map Locations guide.

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fortnite sculpted coral kingdom border monuments map locations
Fortnite Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments Map Locations

Where to Find Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments in Fortnite – Stone Age Three Sculpture Secret Challenge

To find the Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monuments in Fortnite and complete the Stone Age secret challenge, you have to find three groups of Coral Buddies surrounding a boulder. Then, you have to hit that boulder with your melee weapon to reveal a sphinx. All three of these locations are fortunately close together in the northwest corner of the map; in quadrants A2, C2, and C1, to be exact.

The first Sculpted Coral Kingdom Border Monument, the one in A2, is in the west corner of the small island with the house made of a huge conch shell. The island is basically impossible to miss due to said conch shell house, and the Easter Island statues all over the place. Plus, since it’s a tiny island, it’s easy to find the sphinx, too.

Border Monument #2 is in to the northeast, on the horn-shaped “peninsula” in the northwest corner of C2. Near the tip of that horn, there’s a small semicircle of four stones. The block with the Coral Buddies and the soon-to-be-sphinx is in the middle of them.

The third and final Sculpted Border Monument is on the island to the north of the previous location, in quadrant C1. There’s a huge lighthouse on said island, so that’s an easy-to-follow landmark for you to use. The sphinx boulder is at the base of the lighthouse.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.