Ghost of Tsushima Straw Cape Outfit from Gameplay Demo Location

The straw cape outfit from Ghost of Tsushima is an armor that people first got to see in the E3 2018 gameplay demo. Since that was the first real look we got at the game, some people have been wondering whether the E3 2018 gameplay demo straw cape armor actually made it into the full game. As it turns out, it absolutely has. We’re going to show you how to get it in our Ghost of Tsushima Straw Cape Outfit from Gameplay Demo Location guide.

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ghost of tsushima straw cape outfit from gameplay demo location
Ghost of Tsushima Straw Cape Outfit from Gameplay Demo Location

How to Get Straw Cape Outfit from Ghost of Tsushima 2018 Gameplay Demo

To get the Straw Cape outfit from the 2018 gameplay demo of Ghost of Tsushima, you have to obtain the Kensei Armor and Kensei Hat. To do that, you have to complete the Six Blades of Kojiro mythic tale. We explain how to do this mission in our Kensei Armor – Six Blades of Kojiro guide. Long story short, you have to meet Yamato the musician in Umugi Cove in Act 2, then fight six boss duels, including the titular Kojiro at the end.

When you defeat him, you’ll get the Kensei Armor, Kensei Headband, Kensei Hat, and Charm of Unseen Respite. Even if the game doesn’t mention the hat after the fight, trust me, it’ll be in your inventory. After all, the item description says: “A trophy taken from the Straw Hat duelist Kojiro.” Anyway, with that done, go to any armorer and upgrade your Kensei Armor to level two. It’s gonna cost you 250 Supplies and 10 Linen, which shouldn’t be too expensive for you.

Now, there’s one last thing you need to complete the Ghost of Tsushima 2018 gameplay demo look, and that’s getting the correct dye. Specifically, you need to get the Ominous Dawn dye. For more info on that, check out our Red Armor Dye guide. Basically, once you get the Kensei armor, go to the merchant and buy the dye from him. It’s going to cost you ten flowers which, again, isn’t that bad.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.