Where to find Grapple Glove in Fortnite

Where is the Grapple Glove in Fortnite? Fortnite’s Grapple Glove locations are the hottest spot right now in the battle royale. The V21.00 update arrived on June 14th, and it has come with an exciting new toy for gamers to play with. If you don’t know where to find Grapple Glove in Fortnite, this guide will pinpoint their exact locations.

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Where to find Grapple Glove Fortnite
Fortnite Grapple Glove Locations

Where to Find the Grapple Glove in Fortnite

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 is well underway and Epic Games is making sure that the new season constantly feels fresh. And for that, each Tuesday we are getting small weekly updates with bug fixes, balance changes, and some new content to spice things up a bit. The biggest star of the June 14th update is the Grapple Glove. Just like highly-popular grappling hooks in many modern games, this new piece of gear will allow players to swing through the air like the Spider-Man himself. You will be able to attach yourself to any hard surface and swing from place to place progressively faster. Furthermore, you can even pull things towards you! If you miss it, don’t worry. There is a small cooldown, after which you will be able to use it again.

However, some players are not exactly sure where they can find this awesome new toy? According to the official announcement, Grapple Gloves can be found in Grapple Glove Toolboxes. These are located at the pink Grapple Stops throughout the Island. But, where exactly can we find these stops? Epic Games didn’t reveal that, but luckily for you, we’ve marked the exact locations on our map below. There are ten locations in total, so you have plenty of options to choose from when landing. Though, keep in mind that these spots will probably be heavily contested. That is because everyone will want to try out a new toy.

Where to find Grapple Glove Fortnite
Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 map with all Grapple Stops locations.
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Nikola was a senior editor and writer at Gosunoob.With over 12 (since 2012) years of experience in esports & gaming journalism, I like to think that my guides once helped a NASA scientist to beat a game. What I'm trying to say is that I should be credited for NASA's Mars missions. (I'm just kidding, please don't shoot me). In my free time, I dream of the day when I will finally start clearing my Steam backlog.