Gears of War 4 Free Trial Available on PC & Xbox One
If you’ve been on the fence about checking out Gears of War 4, there’s now a ten-hour free trial on the Xbox One and PC. You’ll be able to download the Gears of War 4 free trial from June 9th to June 15th. However, you’ll be able to play the trial even after that time period.

Xbox One and PC players will be able to check out a ten-hour free Gears of War 4 from June 9th to June 15th. During the trial, you’ll be able to play either Campaign, Horde and/or Versus mode. Any progress you make will be saved, so you’ll be able to continue the game where you left of if you decide to buy the full version. Below is the list of modes and what they have to offer.
- Campaign
In the prologue, you play through some moments that happened before the events of the game and set up the story. Then, you take on the role of JD Fenix, the son of GOW legend Marcus Fenix, and his friends Kait and Del. They have to find a way to defeat the new threat that’s putting humanity threatening. In case you decide to buy the game after you finish the trial, you’ll be able to keep playing Campaign where the trial ended. - Horde
Four players team up to fight off 50 waves of enemies. You choose your Character Class and pick your skills to build up your character to fit your playstyle. In the trial, you’ll also be able to check out the Rise of the Horde expansion. - Versus
Check out nine different multiplayer game modes. The Versus mode rewards both competitive and cooperative players. During the trial, you’ll have full access to the dedicated servers. If you’re new to the Gears of War 4 Versus mode, you can get the hang of it by playing Co-op vs Bots.
Best of all, every achievement, Card and all campaign progression that you get during the trial will get saved. That way, if you decide to buy the full version, everything will be there waiting for you. So, if you’ve been thinking about checking out Gears of War 4, this will probably be your safest bet.