Add Picture Memories in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

Adding Picture Memories in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact 2.3. you need to get the Lingering Moment furnishing to place on the wall of your house. That process is not too difficult, and neither is placing the memories into the frame; the catch is that you might not know how to do the latter. So, just in case, we’ll cover both points in our Add Picture Memories in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact guide.

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add picture memories in serenitea pot in genshin impact
Add Picture Memories in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

How to Add Picture Memories in Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact

To add picture memories in the Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact, the first thing you have to do is obtain the Lingering Moment furnishing blueprint. You can buy it from Tubby, just like you would any such blueprint. Just do keep in mind that you’ll have to scroll down quite a bit until you find it. The item looks like a picture frame with a blank canvas inside it, which is basically what it is. Find the blueprint in your inventory and learn it to find out what you need to craft it (twelve Cuihua Trees and six Fabric).

Once you have all the necessary materials (Cuihua Trees grow in Starfell Valley and Bishui Plain, among other places), go into your house in the Pot. Enter the menu for placing furnishings (the hand in the upper right) and find a wall you want to place the painting on. Next, to add picture memories in the Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot, place the Lingering Moment furnishing item on that wall. Go into Wall Decor in the bottom middle and select the picture frame on the right. Select the Lingering Moment, and put it on the wall.

The last step is to interact with the picture frame and, from there, you can select between all of the hangout endings that you’ve completed so far. By that, I mean those still images that appear at the end of each chapter branch. I guess, if you want to have more than one memory on the wall at the same time, you’ll just have to make more Lingering Moment paintings.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.