Genshin Impact Cross Save

Cross save is a feature that lets you transfer your save files from one platform to another. A lot of Genshin Impact players are wondering whether the game supports cross save, and if so, how exactly it works. If you’re one of them, wondering whether you can seamlessly play across your PC, phone and Playstation, this guide will explain everything about cross save in Genshin Impact.

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genshin impact cross save
Genshin Impact Cross Save

Does Genshin Impact have cross save?

The situtation with cross save in Genshin Impact is weird, to say the least. The PC and phone versions support it, but the Playstation version doesn’t. This means you can seamlessly switch between phone and computer, bring the game with you onto your commute, to the bathroom or a camping trip in the woods.

We don’t know whether the omission of the feature from the PS4 version is down to Sony or the developers. If it’s the latter, it might be added in an update down the road. If it’s the former, you can pretty much forget about it. Sony have been notoriously uncooperative when it comes to letting their players engage with those on other platforms.

On the other hand, even PS4 players have cross play, so it’s hard to imagine why Sony would block one feature and not the other. Which increases the chances it’s a technical issues after all. It might have something to do with PSN adding another layer onto the onion of accounts. Whatever it is, hopefully it gets resolved in the near future.

In the meantime, if you have any other issues with the game, be sure to check out our other guides. We’ve written about how to play co-op and team up with friends, how to complete the secret pirate treasure side quest, and we’re working on more.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.