Kucha Gusha, Mosi Aba Nunu in Genshin Impact Hilichurl Event

Kucha Gusha and Mosi Aba Nunu are the two new steps in the Genshin Impact Mimi Tomo hilichurl event. To complete it, you have to translate what the phrases mean, then give a seed to the hilichurl, then find the unusual hilichurl in the right place at the right time. There are several places where you might trip up in the process. So, in our Kucha Gusha, Mosi Aba Nunu in Genshin Impact Hilichurl Event guide, we’ll show you how to get an almond, where to find the unusual hilichurl, etc.

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kucha gusha mosi aba nunu in genshin impact hilichurl event
Kucha Gusha, Mosi Aba Nunu in Genshin Impact Hilichurl Event

Kucha Gusha – How to Get Almond Genshin Impact

To get an almond in Genshin Impact and complete the Kucha Gusha step in the Mimi Tomo hilichurl event, you need to purchase it from a shop in Liyue. See, Kucha Gusha actually means “seed,” as you can see in the image above. Now, that sounds pretty dang vague, doesn’t it? Which seed do they mean? Well, as it turns out, any seed will do. You can give the guy an almond, a dandelion seed, anything like that will work fine. However, getting almonds is easier than dandelion seeds. All you have to do is go to Liyue Harbor and talk to Dongsheng in the Second Life store. Purchase an almond, and then return to the hilichurl. Hand it the seed, and that ends the Kucha Gushu step.

Genshin Impact Mimi Tomo Hilichurl Event Mosi Aba Nunu

Mosi Aba Nunu in the hilichurl Genshin Impact Mimi Tomo event means “from sunset until late night.” That means you’ll have to move the in-game clock to some time after 10PM, or 22:00, if you prefer. You do that by clicking on the clock icon in the menu and then adjusting the hands to your desired time. Then, look for the small yellow quest circle at the lake in Tianqiu Valley. If you can’t find it, the location is on the map below. Once you get there, look for the small, stone tower, and that’s where the Unusual Hilichurl will be. Defeat it to complete this part of the quest.

genshin impact mosi aba nunu kucha gusha hilichurl event
Mosi aba nunu unusual hilichurl location
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.