Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion

Taishan Mansion in Genshin Impact is a domain location in the game that you can unlock, but only if you solve a puzzle in the Jueyun Karst lake. So, the problem there becomes, how do I unlock Taishan Mansion in Genshin Impact? And, for that matter, where do I even find it? Well, we’ll be answering those questions in our Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion guide, including how to solve the puzzle in the lake.

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genshin impact taishan mansion
Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion

How to Unlock Taishan Mansion in Genshin Impact?

To unlock Taishan Mansion in Genshin Impact, you have to go to the northeast corner of the Jueyun Karst area. At the top of the stairs, facing the lake, look to your right, and you’ll spot an orange “pillar” on top of a pedestal. That orange thing is actually a switch, so climb up the pedestal and activate the switch. This will drain the lake to a degree, and reveal another orange switch.

This switch, however, has a barrier around it. Now, if you look around the rim, you’ll notice three more altar-like structures. What you need to do to unlock the Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion is to activate them. How do you do that? Well, if you look next to one of them, you’ll see a rock glowing yellow. Your task is to break it apart, and a yellow star will jump out and follow you. Take it to one of the altars, and it’ll activate.

There are several other glowing rocks that you can break and get the yellow star from. Just keep in mind that the star does disappear after a few seconds, so be quick about it. Also, the rocks seem to respawn, so don’t worry, you won’t get stuck. Once you activate all three altars, the barrier around the orange switch in the center will disappear, so go ahead and activate it to unlock the Genshin Impact Taishan Mansion. This will lower the water level even further, and reveal the door with the red flower pattern. Just now that you have to have Adventure Rank 27 in order to enter.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.