God of War Ragnarok Pilgrim's Landing Legendary Chest Bridge Puzzle

In our God of War Ragnarok Pilgrim’s Landing legendary chest bridge puzzle guide, we are going to show you where to find the legendary chest in Pilgrim’s Landing and how to solve the drawbridge puzzles to unlock the way forward. It’s nothing too fancy, but considering it’s a mechanic you’ve only been introduced to relatively recently, you might get stuck. So, here’s what you need to do.

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god of war ragnarok pilgrims landing legendary chest bridge puzzle
God of War Ragnarok Pilgrim’s Landing Legendary Chest Bridge Puzzle

Pilgrim’s Landing Legendary Chest Bridge Puzzle Solution in God of War Ragnarok

To get to the God of War Ragnarok Pilgrim’s Landing legendary chest, you need to know the solutions for two bridge puzzles. Basically, there will be two drawbridges kept closed by two knots on either side. Your task is to cut these knots to create a path for Kratos and Freya. The first one is pretty easy, and introduces you to a new mechanic. First, cut the knot on the right. Then, create a sigil with Freya’s arrow close to the brazier up top. Fire another arrow at the brazier itself, and the vines will burn away. This reveals the second knot, so huck the axe at it to open the drawbridge. Easy-peasy.

The second Pilgrim’s Landing legendary chest bridge puzzle solution in God of War Ragnarok is a bit more complicated. The knot on the left is immediately accessible. As for the right knot, follow the trail of vines were the wall stops, then keep going right. You’ll see a lit brazier at the edge of the opposite wall, but more importantly, you’ll see a swing with two braziers up in the tree. Use the Leviathan Axe to cut the knot holding it and bring the “chandelier” closer to you. Attach the Blades of Chaos to the grapple point on the swing and move it to the right to light the first brazier. Then, use Freya’s arrows to transfer those flames to the left brazier. Swing the chandelier to the left to ignite the brazier next to the vines. Use the arrows to destroy the vines like you did at the previous bridge. It’s easy from there.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.