Locate and Destroy the Bugs in Penguin Office Gotham Knights
Not sure where are the bugs in Penguin’s Office in Gotham Knights? In Gotham Knights, we will meet with many iconic DC Comics characters from the Batman universe. Some are good and some bad, but most are morally grey. One of those ambiguous characters is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, better known as the Penguin. Don’t get me wrong, he is a supervillain, but he has some redeeming qualities. And after you meet with Renee Montoya, she’ll send you to talk with him and help him get rid of eavesdropping devices. In our guide, we explain how to locate Bugs in Penguin Office and how to destroy them.

How to Find and Destroy the Bugs in Penguin Office in Gotham Knights
Once you finish your first conversation with detective Renee Montoya, you will be tasked to visit the Penguin. You’ve been putting pressure on Oswald for quite a while now, and you feel he’ll finally break and give you the info you need. For your favour in return, of course. His office in the Iceberg Lounge has been bugged, and he wants you to help him in getting rid of the bugs. Thus, the task is called “Locate and Destroy the Bugs”. And it is a fairly simple one. All you have to do is to scour around the office with the Compass ability (available to every character) by pressing down on your D-pad, which will highlight interactive elements.
You can find the first listening device in the bust right next to the door. Analyze the bust and you’ll find a bug. Press X to destroy it. The second one is inside the table lamp on Oswald’s desk. Once you scan it, press X to pick it up and destroy it. Finally, the third and final one is also the hardest one to spot. You will find the third bug hidden in the flower pot of a plant right behind the Penguin.. With that said, our “Locate and Destroy the Bugs in Penguin Office Gotham Knights” guide is completed.