Maritime Menace Guide AFK Arena
Maritime Menace is the name of the new Fantastic Beasts adventure in AFK Arena. Currently, it is only available on the test server, but it is expected to be added to the game as soon as Patch v1.114 is released, which is going to release next week. You will be able to join this challenge once you have completed Stage 14-40. This means that you need to reach at least Stage 15 to be able to participate in it. As each stage has 40 battles, it’s not very easy to reach this level. If you are wondering what is the best strategy for completing this challenge, our AFK Arena Maritime Menace Guide is here to help. We are going to list out the best Heroes you should use here, so that you can quickly and efficiently make the most out of this event.

AFK Arena Maritime Menace Event
There are 45 stars that you need to get, and the event itself is going to be available for 28 days once it begins. This should give you more than enough time to complete it. So, let’s see what are the best heroes to choose, according to stages:
- Stages 1-14, 16-23: Alna – The Frozen Mother (Ascended / Agility / Warrior / Debuffer), Grezhul – The Corrupted (Ascended / Strenght / Tank / Tank), Desira – The Sinister Siren (Ascended / Intelligence / Support / Regen), Hodgkin – The Reviled Captain (Ascended / Strenght / Tank / Tank), and Silas – Augmented Death (Ascended / Intelligence / Support / buffer).
- Stage 15: Alna – The Frozen Mother (Ascended / Agility / Warrior / Debuffer), Oden – Bitterblight (Ascended / Intelligence / Mage / AOE), Daimon – The Forsaken Child (Ascended / Strenght / Tank / Tank), Desira – The Sinister Siren (Ascended / Intelligence / Support / Regen), and Silas – Augmented Death (Ascended / Intelligence / Support / buffer.
There are also another Hero formations that you can use:
Finally, we’d like to thank Reddit users _LordScar_ and green1162 for their very helpful photos and Hero selections and recommendations. And good luck with the AFK Arena Maritime Menace.