Battlefield 2042 Change & Equip Attachments - How to Customize Weapons

How to customize weapons, change and equip attachments has changed on Battlefield 2042. For players of previous Battlefields, this can take a while to get used to. You no longer add attachments via the gun selection screen. A new method has been added that is quicker and easier to use in combat. Read on as we tell you how to change and equip attachments in Battlefield 2042.

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Battlefield 2042 Change & Equip Attachments - How to Customize Weapons
Battlefield 2042 Change & Equip Attachments – How to Customize Weapons

The method to change and equip attachments has changed from previous Battlefield games. Previously, the menu for selecting a gun was where you would add attachments. This has switched to a much quicker method for adding attachments in the game. For players of previous games, this may take some practice sessions to get used to.

Begin by selecting the gun you want to use. Spawn anywhere you can and keep the gun equipped. Hold LB on Xbox or L1 on PlayStation. This will bring up a hologram over the screen made from squares in a cross shape. Each arm of the cross has a different type of attachment.

How to Customize Weapons Battlefield 2042

The buttons on the right of the controller will assign your attachments from this menu. For example, on Xbox, if you press Y it will assign sights. B will assign mags. All this is of course customizable, so you should try a few variations to see which you are comfortable with.

Luckily, the shape of the change and equip attachments menu in Battlefield 2042 is semi-transparent. This means you can see the world around you and still move with ease. This adds to the improved control mechanism in the game.

The game has included many small changes to the controls and mechanics. A number of patches and bug fixes are currently taking place as well. Check back here for any help regarding changes in Battlefield 2042.

Author carl.jackson profile picture
Carl Jackson is a gamer and action figure obsessive. A full-time writer, he loves to type obscure lists about Neo Geo arcade machines. Being a sensitive soul, games that make him cry are his passion. In fact, he still refuses to play Last of Us II as he knows he will blubber throughout the whole thing.