Change Live Weather Problems in Flight Simulator 2020

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 allows you to either customize weather conditions to your liking, or use an online service to make them reflect the conditions in the real world. Both features are really nice, but there’s a lot of confusion surrounding them, from the requirements you need to meet before using each to the effects. This guide will list all the Flight Simulator 2020 change live weather problems, as well as solutions whenever it’s possible.

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change live weather issues flight simulator 2020
Change Live Weather Problems in Flight Simulator 2020

How to enable custom weather

You can set custom weather parameters by using the toolbar at the top of the screen, by clicking the cloud icon. However, you can only do it in All Players mode. If you’re playing Live Multiplayer, or have selected live weather, you won’t be able to customize the conditions and the cloud icon will be greyed out.

How to change weather mid flight

If you’re in the right mode (anything that isn’t live multiplayer), you can change the weather mid-flight by moving your mouse to the top of the screen. A menu will appear, with a cloud icon on the right – that’s the one used to finely tune the weather.

Weather toolbar is grayed out

Some users are experiencing issues where the weather toolbar is grayed out, even though live weather is off. This can be fixed by turining off multiplayer before a flight. Also, if you’re in a group, you’ll have to leave it – even if everyone else is gone, the game still considers you part of a group and stops you from tweaking the weather.

There’s also the issue where live weather is greyed out – this usually happens because online functionality is turned off in the settings. Go to Options -> General -> Data, then make sure online functionality is enabled. You’ll then be able to choose live weather before a flight.

Live weather not ever working correctly

A number of players have been complaining about live weather not reflecting real-world weather correctly. Clear skies where there should be storms and such. The only thing close to a solution is to try running the game as an administrator. It might help, but there’s no guarantee. Other than that, you can try restarting the game, or turning live weather on and off, but ultimately, you’ll have to wait for the developers to fix this.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.