Cities Skylines 2 Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials Error Fix

In our Cities Skylines 2 Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials Error Fix guide, we are going to explain how you can solve this problem. There are several potential causes for this, the main one being that Cities Skylines II is not exactly running properly. In this case, your rig just can’t handle what the game is asking of it. Fortunately, there are several potential fixes, ranging from the simple to the complicated. So, let’s dive right into it, shall we?

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cities skylines 2 hardware not supported for  volumetric materials error fix
Cities Skylines 2 Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials Error Fix

How to Fix Cities Skylines 2 Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials Error

There are several things you can do to fix the Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials error in Cities Skylines 2. Disable ray tracing (I hate this setting and always disable it anyway), update your graphics drivers, lower the graphics settings, update DirectX and OpenGL, and upgrade your hardware if you can afford to do so. These are all “simple” fixes, but they are worth trying. If none of them work, it’s time to get under the hood.

Now, I only recommend going through these following steps if you know what you’re doing. Okay, find the Settings.coc file. It’ll probably be at this location: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II. Open Settings.coc with Notepad. The next step to fix the Hardware Not Supported for Volumetric Materials error in Cities Skylines 2 is to copy the text from this article and paste it into the file. Save the changes and relaunch the game. The volumetric rendering will be off an all the other graphics settings will be either off or set to low.

You don’t have to copy and paste the whole text, mind you; it could be enough to just get rid of volumetric rendering. I mean, you’ll have to experiment and see what actually makes the game work for you. I know, I know, you will not get the performance you wanted, but stop being a baby and just push through. It’s going to be fine.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.