Cities Skylines 2 Progress Lost, Save Not Working Fix

Losing your progress in Cities Skylines 2 can be a rather frustrating experience. Massive city-building and managing games such as Cities Skylines II are often very time-consuming, and they require a lot of careful planning and effort. Hence, losing even “just” hours of progression is a nerve-racking situation, let alone a couple of days. And, unfortunately, that’s exactly what many players are currently experiencing in CS2. Read on as we provide a solution on how to fix the “Cities Skylines 2 Game Save progress lost and not working” issue.

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Cities Skylines 2 Progress Lost, Save Not Working Fix
Cities Skylines 2 Save Not Working Fix

How to Fix Cities Skylines 2 Game Save Progress Lost Bug

If you have lost your progress in Cities Skylines 2, we feel you. We know how frustrating and infuriating can be to see all your previous work gone in a flash. While the game is promising, Cities Skylines 2 has unfortunately also launched with a myriad of bugs, glitches, and general technical issues. And while most of them are related to poor optimization and bad performance, some can be game-breaking. And, as we’ve already mentioned, the particularly soul-crashing is the one where your Cities Skylines 2 save game is not loading. Namely, a number of players are currently reporting about the issue where the game doesn’t load all their buildings and other progression from the last save. Why is this bug happening, and can it be fixed? We have good news, yes, you can fix this!

Namely, several players who had experienced the same issue have confirmed that the bug occurs specifically when you use the “Resume” feature. It seems that when you use “Resume” from the main menu, the game doesn’t correctly load everything. Some players even speculate that it only loads the last autosave and not your last save file. Hence, the solution for your Cities Skylines 2 progress lost issue is to use the “Load” game feature instead of the “Resume” button from the main menu. When you manually load the last save file, you will continue with your full progress intact. So there you have it, we hope this was helpful!

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Nikola was a senior editor and writer at Gosunoob.With over 12 (since 2012) years of experience in esports & gaming journalism, I like to think that my guides once helped a NASA scientist to beat a game. What I'm trying to say is that I should be credited for NASA's Mars missions. (I'm just kidding, please don't shoot me). In my free time, I dream of the day when I will finally start clearing my Steam backlog.