Clash of Clans Barracks Disappeared, Only One Left Explained
So, your Clash of Clans Barracks disappeared and are missing and you have only one left. Both the CoC Barracks and Dark Barracks have vanished into thin air. What the heck happened? Did you encounter some sort of horrific, game-destroying bug? Rest assured, you have not. It’s all working as intended. Here’s what is actually happening.

Clash of Clans Barracks Missing, Only One Barracks Left Explained
If you have only one Barracks left and all the other Clash of Clans Barracks are missing, that’s because of the new update to CoC. They have announced that they’ll be introducing these changes back in late September 2022. Here’s what the post had to say: “We will remove extra Barracks and Dark Barracks buildings and only keep one of each. The highest level building will be kept, and in case all the highest level buildings are under construction you will keep the one with the shortest upgrade time left.” Now, what is the cause of this? Well, they want to introduce changes to the Barracks system. I assume it was necessary to remove all the Barracks for this to work.
So, that’s why your Clash of Clans Barracks are missing and you have only one left. I know, it really is not the best feeling if you didn’t catch the announcement and got blindsided. However, all is far from lost. The same post says: “Troop training time will be the same with one Barracks or Dark Barracks as it is now with four Barracks or two Dark Barracks.” So, that should soften the blow somewhat. On top of that: “All production buildings (Barracks, Dark Barracks, Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory and Siege Workshop) will now be able to keep training units when under upgrade. Instead of stopping completely they’ll continue training at 50% of their normal speed.” A decent tradeoff, I’d say.
I just started back playing & have spent tons of time & money on gemming my bases & ALL my barracks on multiple accts.are they gonna return all the gems I used to upgrade my barracks or the resources used to do such said upgrades?
Really the only thing that annoys me about this is the fact that I use my barracks as a defensive barrier around my base to keep troops from being placed next to my wall, now that defense is gone and there’s a wide open hole. Hope they finish the updates soon and they return
Yeah Greattt..Now remove the townhall ..clan castle….
BEST….Remove the game also…
So what’s next? Gonna remove gold mine, elixir collector, dark elixir drill, gold storage and elixir storage to one as well?
Stil see people online with 4 normal barracks and 2 dark barracks so why did ours get removed but they get to keep theirs
Those people have not gotton on the game since before the update.
We should form a class action lawsuit I spend real money on gems to do some of those upgrades
I am sorry to loose the defensive value of the missing values. It also seems to be taking longer to build my armies than when I was just upgrading one barracks at a time. Before, I could shift what I was building to shorten the waiting time. Now there’s more waiting. I do like that this change may be related to now being able to make spells while they are being upgraded / researched. And I still think the game is great. I’d just like them to stop taking things away. Maybe they could create a way to sell or trade what they want back. At least then I could think about how I wanted to rearrange instead of being surprised. Limit the transition to 90 days if they really need something to be gone. Thanks.
What about the defensive role these building play when you’re being raided in multiplayer and war attacks? Aside from the time and resources put into upgrading these building, how will Supercell account for the defensive value added to each village?
My my my… it’s a GAME!!!
I think your all being silly i like this and quit complaining im a th 10 and had all barracks max and i could not care less you all being to selfish it’s a great game quit dissing the developers because you lost out on sone loot geez oh peet’s get serious
What the hell are you even talking about dude! who is being selfish? we are not upset because they removed the barracks, we are upset because they just randomly removed the barracks, didn’t give us a headsup and didn’t even announce it in the patch notes. people have spent huge amounts of resources on these and have included builders in these projects while they could have been used for other projects. people are understandably upset. we are not asking for real money are we? we are asking virtual resources back as we have spent all that on something that has been recently rendered futile. no one is saying it’s a bad game, it’s not a “great game” either, it’s a goddamn mobile game that people use to pass time. also, supercell isn’t gonna give you a million gems if you yourself ignore faults of the game devs, ask others to avert their eyes and do the same as you. you wanted seriousness? you got it buddy.
It’s a game
I agree this is not right if you are going to take them away give us back our loot that we spent upgrading them. That’s not fair!!
Cash grab. Barracks takes forever to upgrade. 1 barrack means you can’t build armies while it’s upgrading. To speed up upgrades you need gems…..
You can still train troops when upgrading bruh
If 1 of 4 is time get reduced to 25% only..but here it is getting reduced to 50%..double…totally not acceptable
did you read the article? even a little bit of it?
i use barracks to fill some empty spaces around my base making enemy troops harder to attack, now it’s just a plain area where troops can just easily spawn in and raid my base even though i maxed out my defense.
we all already get used to have 4 barracks & 2 dark barracks why do they have to change that now? i feel like this was inappropriate
I still have all my barracks idk why, 3 level 13s and 1 level 14. This normal?
Update the Game Maybe???? Good Luck Brotha man
The same thing happened to me (town hall 11) I just finished maxing out all of mine after being behind.I feel like they should give us at lest 50 % on what we spent on the last 3 we upgraded
I get why they did it, but I won’t deny being annoyed seeing as collectively I have put Weeks into my barracks, and had just upgraded them all to max just 2 months prior, and poof they’re gone. Plus all the elixir I put there is too. It’s really frustrating
Ikr. I had all barraks maxed out. Spent millions and wasted month with upgrades… just to be erased? Thats not good. At least give me back the millions used to upgrade it for nothing…
I had no idea there was multiple barracks, I joined in November 2022
I think it’s stupid and silly one having 4 made the base better or 2 darks and then there’s all the time and loot I put into maxing out the other 3 barracks and get absolutely nothing for them silly move shoulda kept it the way it’s been the last 8 years , new is not good