Code 408 Apex Legends Error Fix

The Apex Legends error code 408 is a new problem that a lot of players have been running into since the launch of Season 9. This error is incredibly annoying, because it doesn’t let you play the game, and with all that new content waiting just around the corner, people want to know how to fix the 408 error. In our Code 408 Apex Legends Error Fix guide, we’ll offer some potential solutions.

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how to fix apex legends error 408
Code 408 Apex Legends Error Fix

How to Fix Apex Legends Error 408

To fix the Apex Legends Error Code 408, there are two things that you can try. The first one is to go into your Control Panel, then Network Connections. In this new menu, you’ll find your Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections. Right-click on the one that you’re not using to play the game and click the Disable option. Interestingly, if you’re using an Ethernet connection, you don’t have to go through this rigmarole; it seems to only help Wi-Fi users. This method seems to help a bunch of people, but it’s not a guaranteed fix, so let’s give you a second option.

Go into the Network and Sharing Center and click the Change adapter settings link. You can also enter this menu by typing ncpa.cpl into the Start Menu search bar. Select the network card whose priority you need to change, right-click it, and select Properties, and then pick Internet Protocol Version 4 and click Properties again. In the new window, click on the Advanced button and uncheck the box for Automatic Metric. Type in a number into the Interface Metric textbox to increase the priority of your preferred web connectivity hardware.

If you’re using this Code 408 Apex Legends Error Fix, keep in mind that you shouldn’t mess with these settings unless you’re getting the error. In fact, I recommend not messing with anything you’re not at least somewhat familiar with, as it can cause more problems. Instead, it might be better to sit back and wait a bit for the developers to take care of it. I know that it sucks, but it’s better than causing more annoying problems on your computer.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.