Control Outfits - How to Unlock Costumes

Outfits are different costumes you can wear in Control. They make your character look different, but don’t have any effect on the gameplay. They’re simply there to let you customize the protagonist. In order to use them, you’ll first have to find them. This guide is going to show you how to unlock outfits in Control.

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control outfits how to unlock costumes
Control Outfits – How to Unlock Costumes

How to unlock outfits

The costumes are unlocked by finding them in the world. They’re well hidden, and some of them require specific powers or key items. Here are the ones we found, or saw mentioned online:

P7 costume

This one can be obtained during a main story mission. When you’re on the Containment floor, look for the Prime Candidate Program area. There’s a room called P7 in there, and that’s where you’ll find this outfit.

Asynchronous costume

Before you can get this one, you’ll need to acquire level 6 clearance. You’ll find it on the Research floor. Look for a place called Synchronicity Lab. Inside, you’ll find a room with a mirror, in which you can get the mission. Complete that mission, then head to the Synchronicity room nearby, and you’ll find the costume on a mannequin.

Janitor’s assistant outfit

This one’s pretty easy. In order to get your hands on the overalls, you’ll need to find the noticeboard in the janitor’s office. You’ll notice there’s a list of tasks on it. Complete all five, and you’ll get the costume when you return.

There’s bound to be more of them – as rewards from side missions, in hidden rooms and such. We’ll keep our eyes peeled, and we’ll update the guide as soon as we find more. If you happen to discover any outfit we’re missing, feel free to let us know in the comments.

Thanks to u/django0311 for the info.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.