Coral Island Decorating Bug, Can't Move Furniture

Coral Island is a crowdfunded farm sim in the style of Stardew Valley. The biggest difference is in its setting, which, as its name implies, takes place on a tropical Coral Island. The island itself is home to several dozen characters, and you will take part in all of the usual farming sim activities. That is – form bonds with the local people, farm your crops, take care of your livestock, and, of course, build your dream home. Naturally, this includes decorating it to your heart’s desire. Unfortunately, it appears that there is a problem with this option. Many players are experiencing a Coral Island Decorating Bug where they can’t move furniture. If you are wondering why this is happening and whether there is anything that you can do to fix it, then this guide is for you.

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Coral Island Decorating Bug, Can't Move Furniture
Coral Island Decorating Bug, Can’t Move Furniture

Coral Island Decorating Mode Bug, Can’t Move Furniture

It appears that this bug is only appearing for players that are playing Coral Island on consoles. In Decorating Mode, instead of being able to select and manipulate furniture so that you can place it where you want, there isn’t a cursor or option to do this. Unfortunately, as of right now, there doesn’t appear to be anything that you can do on your end to somehow resolve this bug. Though, as it is such a major issue, a hotfix is probably going to be released very soon that will fix this Coral Island Decorating Bug.

In the meantime, there isn’t anything else to do but be patient and wait for the devs to release a patch addressing this. If you have figured out any method that can be used to fix this bug, then please share it with us and your fellow players down in the comments. And if you are interested in learning more about Coral Island, we recommend that you read through our Coral Island Marriage 1.0 Guide.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.