Disney Dreamlight Valley Lion's Claws Locations

You need to find five Disney Dreamlight Valley Lion’s Claws locations during Scar’s Breaking Bones quest. While it’s a regular gathering materials / fetch quest, like almost everything else in the game, this one does at least help upgrade your Royal Shovel. You are told to dig near the cliffs of Sunlight Valley, because that’s where the Lion’s Claws are buried. That’s a bit vague. That’s why, in this guide, we’ll show you the location of each Lion’s Claw and explain how to get them.

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disney dreamlight valley lions claws locations
Disney Dreamlight Valley Lion’s Claws Locations

Where to Find Lion’s Claws in Disney Dreamlight Valley

To find the locations of the Lion’s Claws in Disney Dreamlight Valley, and then get them, you need to dig around near the cliffs of Sunlight Valley. That’s where they’re buried. Now, I’m not sure whether they pop out of the digging locations at random, or if they’re always in the same places. So, the best we can do is tell you where we got them. Long story short, you have to dig around the general area of the elephant graveyard, and then along the cliffs leading to the west and the waterfall. The first three locations we dug in were specifically around the elephant skeleton. One was at the dig spot next to one of the tusks, and the other two were around the nearby gnarled tree.

To find and get the fourth of five Lion’s Claws locations in Disney Dreamlight Valley, turn your back to the elephant skeleton and exit the graveyard onto the grass. As soon as you do, look to your right. You’ll find another digging spot next to the rib cage. Lastly, hug the cliff wall and keep going west towards the waterfall. You’ll find a digging location next to a bush, right at the edge of the water. That’s where we found the fifth and final Lion’s Claw. Again, I don’t know whether they’ll be in the same locations for you. However, you now have a general idea of where to look – around the cliffs of Sunlight Valley. Happy digging!

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.