Enshrouded Server Progression Explained
How does server progression work in Enshrouded? While everyone is talking about this January’s Pokwmon-inspired hit game, Palword, another interesting survival crafting game has silently released on Steam. We are talking about Enshrouded. In this guide we explain if the progression on dedicated servers is shared between players or is it player-based quest progression.

How does Server Progression Work in Enshrouded?
So, is the progression on Enshrouded servers shared, or is it individual for each player? Unfortunately, if you were hoping for per-player progression, we have bad news for you. The server progression in Enshrouded is shared with all players. That means almost everything in the world is wholly shared. That is, if one group of players unlock some new area or NPC while you are not there, that new feature will be there for you when you log in. The same goes for quests. If someone completes a quest without you, that part of the game will simply be completed, and you will be left without an option to experience it. Finally, the answer is again the same for loot. Chests and other loot are shared across the server on a first come, first served basis.
It suffices to say, but many players are not happy with it. “I’m just baffled as to why, in a game that they preached was a 16-player co-op, they didn’t stop once to think that all 16 players might want to do all of the content but can’t actually always all play at the same time,” says Reddit user Intelligent_Knee1997. Many other players share this sentiment. Hence, for now, there’s only one way to be guaranteed to experience everything. And that’s by playing solo on a private server. For now, that’s all we can say about the shared Enshrouded server progression. Hopefully, just like for difficulty, the developers will add more options in future updates.