FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022

The FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022 event is right around the corner. So, of course, dedicated players want to know more details about the upcoming FF14 Christmas event (or winter holiday event, if you prefer). In this guide, we are going to show you where to start the Starlight Celebration quest, when the event begins and ends, and what the rewards for completing the quest are. Let’s begin!

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ffxiv starlight celebration 2022
FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022

FFXIV Starlight Celebration Release Date and Time

The 2022 FFXIV Starlight Celebration release date and time will be Thursday, December 15th at 12:00 AM PT, according to the official website. That translates to 3 AM ET / 8 AM GMT / 9 AM CET / 5 PM JST / 6 PM AEST. You can figure out your local time from there, I’m sure. To start the event quest, head to to Old Gridania (X: 10.2, Y: 9.4) and talk to Amh Garanjy. Pink hair, cat ears; you can’t miss her. Talk to her to start the Reindeer Fame quest. You do have to be level 15, though, so keep that in mind. This year’s Starlight Celebration will last until December 31st at 6:59 AM PT / 9:59 AM ET / 2:59 PM GMT / 3:59 PM CET / 11:59 JST. That’s 12:59 AM AEST on January 1st, I believe.

FFXIV Starlight Celebration Rewards

There are two rewards that you can get for completing the Reindeer Fame FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2022 quest for Amh Garanjy. These are the Starlight Steed Horn and the Illuminated Tree. The Horn lets you summon the special reindeer mount called the Starlight Steed. Pretty great way to celebrate Christmas / the winter holidays in general. As for the Illuminated Tree, it’s a piece of outdoor furnishing. It’s not a Christmas tree, interestingly enough. Rather, it’s a deciduous tree covered in blue lights. It still looks very, very festive in a slightly melancholic way. You can see what they both look like in the image below.

starlight celebration rewards 2022 ffxiv
Starlight Steed & Illuminated Tree (click or tap to zoom in)
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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.