Flight Simulator Liveries - Change Appearance

Liveries are airplane skins in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. They can be used to change the appearance of your aircraft, completely repainting it and adding decorations. Players are already beginning to wonder how to change liveries, and where to find more of them. If you, too, are having trouble with customizing your plane, this guide will tell you all about Flight Simulator liveries.

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flight simulator liveries
Flight Simulator Liveries – Change Appearance

How to change MSFS 2020 liveries?

There are two ways to change liveries in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The first is through the menu. Go to Profile, then Hangar. If you look at the bottom of the screen, one of the options is Liveries. The second is through the pre-flight screen. While you’re setting the flight plan on the world map, one of the options under aircraft selection will be liveries.

Where to download Microsoft Flight Simulator liveries?

For now, there are next to no places where you can get new liveries, since the game is still new. However, in the future, you’ll be able to download them from third-party sites or buy them from the in-game marketplace. Microsoft announced a free liveries pack that’s going to be released by the end of September, as a thank you to early adopters.

Where to find community folder?

Any liveries you download from the internet are supposed to go to the Community folder. If you’ve installed the game in a custom location, the folder will be in the game directory. If you’ve installed it in the default location and you’re using the MS store version, you should look in %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator(with a bunch of letters and numbers at the end)\LocalCache\Packages.

If you’re using the Steam version, there are two places you should look in. The first is %appdata%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community. The second is in the Steam library folder – \steamapps\common\Community.