Hi-Fi Rush How Long to Beat
In our Hi-Fi Rush How Long to Beat guide, we are going to tell you how long it will take you to complete the game. We’ll give an estimate for both those who only care about the main missions and those that want to do everything there is. Of course, these numbers are educated guesswork, since the title is very new.

How Long to Beat Hi-Fi Rush
At time of writing, it’s still to early to say for certain how long it takes to beat Hi-Fi Rush. However, some players have already done the math that sheds some light on how much content the game has to offer. First off, it bears reminding that the title costs thirty bucks. That’s half the price of the usual triple-A game, despite Bethesda being the publisher and Tango Gameworks the developer. Those facts tell us that the experience will most likely be shorter than the usual fare. According to this post from Steam user NostromoXP, the main story will take you about fifteen to twenty hours to complete. Hi-Fi Rush offers twelve levels, each of them taking anywhere between sixty and ninety minutes to wrap up.
So, that’s the most likely answer to how long it will take to beat Hi-Fi Rush for the average player. However, as NostromoXP points out, there are challenges to complete and areas of levels that you can’t access on the first go-around. So, if you’re planning to complete the game, you can probably look forward to over thirty hours of content. Naturally, there’s also the factor of how thoroughly you explore the levels and how well you do overall. A solid amount of bang for your buck, in my personal opinion. Whatever the case may be, we’ll be sure to update the article with more accurate numbers once they become available.