Knightcore Kingdom Tier List

If you want to know what the best and worst characters in this game are, then our Knightcore Kingdom Tier List guide is the right place for you. We are going to give you a comprehensive breakdown of which characters in the game are better than others. This is important, because you need to know which characters to invest your resources in. With that said, let’s begin.

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knightcore kingdom tier list
Knightcore Kingdom Tier List

Knightcore Kingdom Best and Worst Characters Ranked Tier List

In the ranked tier list below, we are going to show you which Knightcore Kingdom characters are the best and the worst, according to this video by OP Game Guides. As is always the case with these games, the list might change over time, as the developers add new characters and buff or nerf the old ones. However, this is how things stand at the moment. With all that said, here’s the tier list.

  • S Tier – Carlton, Gawain, Marcus, Morgause, Shark
  • A Tier – Aoi (Full Moon), Ganis, Great Elder, Klaire, Kurin (Halloween), Parfait, Raici, Uluru King
  • B Tier – Aoi, Barrett, Charlotte, Geraint, Kai, Lancelot, Rin
  • C Tier – Alfie, Kallian, Kriel, Kurin, Pearl, Queen Pella, Van
  • D Tier – Alys, Avalon, Bedivere, Mani, Shiva

There you have it, those are the best and worst characters in Knightcore Kingdom and what the ranked tier list looks like now. The closer the character is to the top, the more emphasis you should put on them. By that, I mean they should be your first picks for your party. They should also be the first to level up and give better equipment to. The lower they are in the list, the more you should ignore them. D Tier characters should be avoided at all costs unless you have absolutely no other choice. Obviously, you’re free to disagree with our tier list; your mileage may vary depending on your preferred play style and whatnot. So, feel free to share your own tier list in the comments below.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.