Need For Speed Unbound Collectibles Map, All Locations
If you are a completionist player who wants to find each of the 315 collectibles in NFS Unbound, we’ve got you covered! The new Need For Speed game is finally here, and as usual, it comes packed with collectible items for you to find. We are collecting bears, billboards, and street art this time. In this guide, you will find a Need For Speed Unbound Collectibles Map with all locations. Find out where to find every bear, billboard, and street art in NFS Unbound.

NFS Unbound Collectibles Map, All Bears, Billboards & Street Art Locations
In Need for Speed Unbound, there is a total of 315 collectibles scattered across Lakeshore. This time around, they come in the form of bears, billboards, and street art. There is a total of 100 bears, 80 billboards, and 80 street art locations in Lakeshore. That’s quite a lot, and finding them all can pose a real challenge. However, if your OCD is not giving you peace and you need to collect them all, you’ve come to the right place! Below, we present you the Need For Speed Unbound Collectibles Map. It has the locations of every bear, billboard, and street art in NFS Unbound. This fantastic map that will make your life much easier has been made by Reddit user u/FalkHogan. Without further ado, check out the map below:

You can collect these items both during the day and at night. You can collect a billboard by driving through them. Street Art can be collected by pressing the “Collect?” button when approaching a street art’s location. Finally, you can collect bears by driving through them. When you collect a billboard, it will appear as a broken billboard, while bears will not reappear. When it comes to collected street art, it will appear as a wrap editor decal in your decal collection. With that said, our “Need For Speed Unbound Collectibles Map” guide is completed.