Pokemon Sleep Valentines Event Dessert Recipes

In our Pokemon Sleep Valentines Event Dessert Recipes guide, we are going to explain which ingredients you’ll need to make the two new desserts, the Petal Dane Chocolate Tart and the Flower Gift Macarons. We’ll also give you a few more details about the event in general. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

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pokemon sleep valentines event dessert recipes
Pokemon Sleep Valentines Event Dessert Recipes

Pokemon Sleep Valentine’s Day Event New Dessert Recipes – Petal Dance & Flower Gift

There are two new dessert recipes in the Pokemon Sleep Valentine’s day event, the Petal Dance Chocolate Tart and the Flower Gift Macarons. The ingredients you need for them are actually fairly logical, though still within the game’s own internal logic. You can see which ingredients each dessert requires in the list below. Soothing Cacao will be easy to obtain through the Pokemon in the event, as well as Honey. Fancy Apples can be obtained by Raichu or a level 30 Pinsir or Delibird. For Fancy Eggs, use Delibird, and for Moomoo Milk, use Blastoise or the lower evolutions of the Pokemon.

  • Petal Dance Chocolate Tart – Soothing Cacao x11, Fancy Apple x11
  • Flower Gift Macarons – Soothing Cacao x25, Fancy Egg x25, Honey x17, Moomoo Milk x10

And, yeah, those are the new Valentine’s Day dessert recipes in Pokemon Sleep, aka the Petal Dance Chocolate Tart and the Flower Gift Macarons. If you want to learn more about the event in general, you can check out this official post. Basically, all dishes that Snorlax will demand during the event (from February 12th to February 18th) will be set to Desserts/Drinks, and it will probably ask for one of the two new desserts at some point. And now, instead of experimenting with random ingredients, you know exactly what you have to do. Also, there are a bunch of other bonuses you can enjoy and Pokemon to encounter, and participating is really easy: just activate the “Sleep” button before going to bed!

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.