How to Save Game in GTA San Andreas & Vice City Definitive Edition
The question of how to save the game in GTA San Andreas & Vice City Definitive Edition is definitely going to be one of the major problems amongst new players, and I’m certain there are going to be many of them. See, the save system doesn’t work like it does in majority of modern games; you’re gonna have to get used to something that’s very old school. That might cause some confusion among younger players. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to show you how to save your game in GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition Vice City and San Andreas.

How to Save Game in GTA Vice City Definitive Edition
To save the game in GTA Vice City Definitive Edition, you have to go to the Ocean View Hotel and find the pink audio cassette floating around in the lobby. For our younger readers that might not be familiar with cassettes, that’s the thing in the screenshot above. This is the only place where you can save the game initially. You can’t use it when you’re in the middle of the mission, but on the bright side, the game will sometimes autosave during a mission. As you start purchasing properties around the city, you’ll unlock more save points that way; every place that has the pink square icon on the map counts. Until then, though, the hotel is your only recourse.
How to Save Game in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition
To save your game in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition, you have to interact with the floating blue floppy disk in CJ’s house. To be more specific, it’s in the kitchen. As is the case with the cassette in the Ocean View Hotel in Vice City, this is the only way that you can save your game until you start buying properties around the city. These properties will also let you save your game, aka you can go inside them and find another floppy disk. And, yes, you can’t use the save option when you’re in the middle of the mission, and neither game offers a way to save through the pause menu or anything of the sort. You just have to do it old school.