Valorant Give Back Bundle - How to Vote for Skin

The Valorant Give Back bundle is a special bundle that will kick off Episode 3, and the twist is that you can vote for the stuff that’s going to be featured in it. See, the bundle is going to be full of skins and whatnot that have been in the game before, but have since been discontinued. The developers want you to cast your votes, and the items with the most will end up in the package. So, in our Valorant Give Back Bundle – How to Vote for Skin guide, we’ll show you how to vote for your favorite skins and cosmetics.

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valorant give back bundle how to vote for skin
Valorant Give Back Bundle – How to Vote for Skin

How to Vote for Your Favorite Skins and Cosmetics in Valorant Give Back Bundle

To vote for your favorite skins and cosmetics in the upcoming Valorant Give Back bundle, all you need to do is follow this link. Once there, just log into your Riot account and cast vote for which skins you want to see return in Episode 3. There are four categories that you can cast your vote in, and you have until June 7th to do so. The winners will be announced on June 16th, once they tally all the votes. So, go on, get voting!

The bundle will not be up for sale on June 16th, though, but rather from June 22nd to July 8th. The best part of the whole thing is that, according to the website, “50% of the proceeds from weapon skins and 100% from accessories” will go to charity. Specifically, it’ll go to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund, “in partnership with Impact Assets.” So, that’s how you vote for your favorite Valorant skins to be featured in the Give Back Bundle, and you can even do some good in the process.

If you want more help with Valorant, we’ve got a handful of other guides for you to check out. For example, there’s How to Redeem Codes on Playvalorant and Valorant Pride Cards Codes. We’ve got a couple more coming down the pipeline, so stay tuned.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.