Valorant Deadlock Abilities & Release Date

The new Valorant agent Deadlock has been teased by the developers, so naturally, players want to know everything about the upcoming agent 23, such as the release date and abilities. Naturally, we will have to engage in some educated guesswork, since the details about the new character are scant to say the least. So, here’s what we know about Deadlock and what we can surmise.

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valorant deadlock abilities & release date
Valorant Deadlock Abilities & Release Date

Valorant New Agent Deadlock Release Date

EDIT: The release date for Deadlock has been confirmed officially by Valorant developers, and the abilities have been leaked. The new agent will indeed launch on June 27th, as we assumed. Original text follows.

At time of writing, the release date of Deadlock, the new Valorant agent, has not been confirmed by the developers. We’ll be sure to give you official information once it becomes available. However, the most likely launch window for agent 23 is June 27th, 2023. That’s the date that Episode Seven Act One is going to come out, so it’s safe to assume Deadlock will also arrive around the same time. The only thing we know for certain about the new character is they will be a Sentinel. What kind of Sentinel, though? Well, we have some ideas on that; here’s what we believe the new agent will be about.

Valorant Deadlock Abilities

Now that we know the release date of the new Valorant agent, Deadlock, let’s get into her abilities. Keep in mind that this is according to leaks, but it’s from @ValorLeaks, and their information is always on point. The first ability is Barrier Mesh, which is a disk that you throw and create an energy barrier. Then, there’s Sonic Sensor, which is a sound sensor that detonates when it detects heavy footsteps and gunfire, concussing everyone in the radius. Next, there’s the GravNet, which is a grenade that explodes when it hits the ground. Whoever is in the blast radius is forced to crouch and moves slowly. Last, but not least, Annihilation. Deadlock triggers a wave of nanowires that make a cocoon around the first enemy they hit. The wires then pull the enemy towards the origin point, and if the enemy gets to that point, they die.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.