Win Matches as Pet Owners Brawlhalla

Weekly challenges are some of the most fun things that you can do in Brawlhalla. Sometimes, these challenges are pretty self-evident, and it’s very easy to figure out exactly what you need to do to successfully complete them. However, often times there is a challenge or two that is much more cryptic. To complete them, you must first figure out exactly what it is you actually need to do here. Such is this week’s Win Matches as Pet Owners in Brawlhalla challenge. If you are struggling with this challenge, we are here to tell you how to do it.

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Win Matches as Pet Owners Brawlhalla

How to Complete the Win Matches as Pet Owners Brawlhalla Challenge

The description for this challenge states that you need to “Win Matches as Pet Owners”. This doesn’t give you too much information, as you will need to have an in-depth understanding of characters’ backstories and lore to know which characters are pet owners and which ones are not. But, luckily for you, we have done this homework on our end, so all you need to do is to read our list of Pet Owner characters to find out which Legends can do this challenge. Now let’s see the Legends that fit this criteria:

  • Azoth, The One-Man Dynasty. This seemingly-fearsome warrior enjoys the company of his cat, Dander.
  • Ember, The Fangwild’s Daughter. She actually has two pets that she takes care of – her wolf Ash, and Raven, Yarra.
  • Fait, The Star Speaker. Another cat owner on the list, she has an adorable little kitty named Butterscotch.
  • Kaya, The Natural. She rides atop a giant mammoth, Blue.
  • Mirage, The Dune Weaver. She often travels atop Bax, her flying camel.
  • Cassidy, The Marshal of the Old West. One of her many friends is a giant cougar named Boots.
  • Xull, The Iron Commander. He rides a T-Rex into battle.

One final thing to note here is that this challenge can often bug out. What will sometimes happen is that, even if you get a win with one of these characters, it seemingly won’t count for your progression. But don’t worry, all you need to do is to start a new match and this progress should then show correctly.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.