Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons Expansion & Steam Release Announced

Guild Wars 2 is turning eight, and there’s a whole bunch of news the developers have prepared in celebration of this anniversary. First off, the game’s coming to Steam. Secondly, there’s a new expansion in the works and we now know it’s called End of Dragons. Finally, there’s a big sale going on, and some new stuff in the game to keep you warm. Well, it won’t actually keep you warm, that’s just a figure of speech. It’ll keep you cold. And wet.

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guild wars 2 end of dragons expansion steam release
Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons Expansion & Steam Release Announced

The Steam release is planned for November this year, and it’s going to contain everything the regular version does. If I were a gambling man, I would say it will still go through the GW2 launcher, only you’ll be able to download that one from Steam. It’s probably going to draw in some of those “Steam-only” spoilsports, plus, it’s additional exposure for the game, which means New People.

The End of Dragons is expected to launch next year, and it’s going to let us explore Cartha, a “mysterious island nation in the south that has been neither seen nor heard from for over 200 years”. The trailer below hints at a dragon-dependent society, but there’s not much to grab onto.

We mentioned sales – Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire (both standard and deluxe) are going to be 50% off until September 4th. But more importantly, there’s a new ability for the Skimmer mount, available to all PoF owners right now. You’ll get a letter that starts a new collection, one that will “unveil the hidden potential of the aquatic creature”. More plainly, it’ll allow your skimmer to dive, letting you explore the underwater areas for the first time. I can’t remember a single underwater area in a single game that I actually enjoyed in these 30 years of playing games, but maybe this time will be different?

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.