Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga New Chapter Trailer Released

The latest chapter of the Icebrood Saga in Guild Wars 2 is going to go live on March 9th. It’s called Balance, and it’s going to continue the Champions story. Expect new dragon response missions, a new story quest, more faction recruitment options and such. The devs have released a trailer that shows off most of the stuff that’s going to be available in Chapter 3: Balance, once it launches on Tuesday, and you can watch it below.

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guild wars 2 icebrood saga episode 5 chapter 3 balance trailer
Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga New Chapter Trailer Released

If you don’t want to watch the video yourself, here’s what you can expect. There’s going to be three new dragon response missions – one in Caledon Forest, another in Bloodtide Coast, and the last one in Fireheart Rise. The new story mission thats’ being added will follow Braham on his quest to fulfill his destiny, exploring his bond with the Spirits of the Wild further.

The Tengu will become available for faction recruitment, which means new weapons! Three more faction will be added in two-week intervals after the episode launches. You’ll also be able to upgrade Dragonslayer weapons to the third and last tier.

Like all the other chapters of Episode 5, this one is also going to be freely available to everyone who owns Guild Wars 2 and the Path of Fire expansion. If you’re just joining in – you only need to buy the game itself, the Path of Fire expansion is included with all purchases, and that means the Heart of Thorns one is as well. The next chapter of the Dragon Bros saga is coming in April 2021, in case you’re already itching for more.

These are great additions if you’re playing Guild Wars 2 for the story, but a number of PvP guild warriors are rolling their eyes at the announcement. Hopefully the devs have something planned for them in the near future, too.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.