Honkai Star Rail Storage Zone Chest on Platform

In our Honkai Star Rail Storage Zone Chest on Platform guide, we are going to explain how to get to that chest. Many eager Trailblazers are going to lay eyes on the thing pretty early on, during the tutorial section, but they won’t be able to reach it. Don’t worry, that’s by design. You can get your hands on it at a later time, and here’s how.

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honkai star rail storage zone chest on platform
Honkai Star Rail Storage Zone Chest on Platform

How to Get Chest in Storage Zone Honkai Star Rail

To get the chest on the faraway platform in the Honkai Star Rail Storage Zone, you have to come back to the area after the tutorial is over. There is no way to reach and open it the first time you spot it, so just leave it alone initially. You can wait until you unlock the quest called Road to Revival, because it will take you straight back to the chest. It even points out the NPC you need to talk to first. Her name is Hinkel, Head of Ecology. We’ll show you where she is in the screenshots below. After you’ve talked to her, exit onto the platform and head to the right, where the chest is. Stand on the newly-formed single glowing platform and investigate it.

The next step to get the chest in the Storage Zone in Honaki Star Rail is to activate all the platforms that spawn by stepping on them. You can’t just head straight across. Instead, what you need to do is go one platform up, then one left, one up, one right, and then up again towards the chest. Inside, we found twenty Trailblaze EXP, twenty Stellar Jade, one Adventure Log, one Condensed Aether, twenty Hertareum, and twenty-five hundred Credits. Keep in mind that there’s an enemy in the adjacent room that is almost guaranteed to spot you. The sad fact is that you’ll have to fight them to continue the quest. That said, you don’t need the quest at all; you can come back whenever.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.