Immortal Life Adds New In-Game Events to Celebrate Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year will begin on February 10th, 2024, and to celebrate the year of the dragon, the developers of Immortal Life will be introducing brand new events to the game. Two different events, to be exact: “Spot-the-difference” and “Lantern Riddles.” These will take place during specific in-game days. The rewards you can earn from these include elixirs, food, decorations, and more. So, let’s talk about them a little.

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immortal life adds new in-game events to celebrate chinese new year
Immortal Life Adds New In-Game Events to Celebrate Chinese New Year

New In-Game Events Coming to Immortal Life for Chinese New Year

The first in-game event we’ll talk about that’s coming to Immortal Life to celebrate the Chinese New Year is “Spot-the-difference.” It will take place during the Major Cold season, which is the last three days of winter. The season before that is called Minor Cold. Anyways, to participate in the event, you have to go to Ferry Stop and find where it begins. You then play a classic game of spotting the difference between two pictures and earn points. These points will unlock various rewards, aka the aforementioned elixirs and food items.

The second event, “Lantern Riddles,” will happen during the Beginning of Spring. As the name implies, these are the first three days of spring. Interact with the decorative lanterns and answer their questions. Again, you earn points that you can then exchange for various rewards, like food, decorations and various seeds. We don’t yet know what the nature of these questions are going to be, but we assume they will be about the world of Immortal Life. I hope you’ve been paying attention to what the different characters have been telling you about themselves and the general lore. It might come in handy.

Meanwhile, the devs of Immortal Life have partnered with the developers of Roots of Pacha to give you a new Steam bundle called Pacha Life. You can get both games for thirty-five bucks, which is a ten percent discount. If you’re interested in it, here’s the link.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.