Lies of P Getting Wo Long Fallen Dynasty DLC on Valentine's Day

Here’s an unexpected pairing, if ever there was one: Lies of P and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty are having a crossover. Not that this is the first one, seeing as how a couple of weapons from the Pinocchio-inspired soulslike have made guest appearances in Koei Tecmo’s game already. However, it seems that Fallen Dynasty will lend much more of itself to Lies of P this time around. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

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lies of p getting wo long fallen dynasty dlc on valentines day
Lies of P Getting Wo Long Fallen Dynasty DLC on Valentine’s Day

Lies of P x Wo Long Fallen Dynasty DLC Announced

Yes, the new crossover between the two soulslike games will come out on February 14th, 2024. To announce the occasion, the Lies of P channel has put up a brief teaser trailer, which you can check out in its entirety below. The video focuses on showing off one specific armor set and weapon; namely, the Armor of the Honorable, the Bandana of the Honorable, and the Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive. From what I understand, these are definitely not the only crossover items that will be available, but that’s up for you to discover. And before you ask, yes, the DLC will be completely free for all players.

As we’ve already brought up, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty already got its share of Lies of P items. One of which is Etiquette, aka the weaponized black umbrella. And this DLC is included in the Complete Edition of Fallen Dynasty, which is now available for purchase. Do these items clash with the overall aesthetic of the game they’re guesting in? Yeah, definitely. But is it incredibly entertaining to hack and slash through puppets and rabbit people with the Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive? The video sure seems to make it look like it’s a ton of fun. And wielding a gentlemanly black umbrella as a weapon in a soulslike is just a complete chef’s kiss.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.