Tragedy Written in Stone Lost Ark Moss Covered Log
The Tragedy Written in Stone and Moss Covered Log in Lost Ark are closely intertwined. By that, I mean you need to get and interact with the Moss-Covered Log in order to begin the “Tragedy Written in Stone” quest. There is more than one way to obtain this item, and neither of them are particularly easy. So, with that said, let’s begin.

How to Get and Start Lost Ark Tragedy Written in Stone
To get and start the Tragedy Written in Stone quest in Lost Ark, you first need to obtain the Moss-Covered Log. There are two ways to do this, and we’ll over the second way in the next section. For now, we’ll do it the “proper” way. Go and talk to Merchant Taport in Rethramis Border. She gives you the roster quest called “A Memory of What Was.” Follow the map and read the Mossy Journal in the Graveyard, then go back and hand the quest in to Taport. One of the rewards for this is the Moss-Covered Log. Right-click it to kick the Tragedy Written in Stone quest off. You can figure it out from there.
Now, the issue here is that roster quests, like “A Memory of What Was,” apply to all of your characters. By that, I mean if you complete it with one character, it will be completed for all of them. However, the other characters won’t get the rewards. So, what do you do in this case?
How to Get the Moss-Covered Log in Lost Ark
To get the Moss-Covered Log in Lost Ark, which you need to start the Tragedy Written in Stone quest, there are two things you can do, as we’ve said. The first one is via the quest Taport gives you, but what if you’ve already done that mission and are playing with a different character? Well, that’s where the second method of obtaining the Moss-Covered Log comes in, and that’s farming ghosts in the Graveyard section of the Rethramis Border region. These mobs have a chance to drop the log (pardon the expression), but you will be stuck killing them for a while. Unfortunately, this is the only other way to get the item, as far as we know. If we’re wrong, let us know in the comments.
Man, Thanks to your article, I was able to see light at the end of the tunnel. I spent a long time not understanding why the NPC Taport quest didn’t appear for me. Thank you very much!