Mafia 3 Sign of the Times DLC Launching in Late July

The third and final DLC chapter for Mafia 3, called Sign of the Times, will launch on July 25th. While still firmly rooted in the culture of ’60 America, the new story will take an even darker tone than before. Lincoln will have to investigate a disturbing death cult, partly modeled after the Manson family. During his investigation, Lincoln will end up questioning his own sanity, as reality itself seems to warp around him.

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Mafia 3 Sign of the Times DLC Launching in Late July
Mafia 3 Sign of the Times DLC Launching in Late July

The developers of Mafia 3 have revealed the release date of the final Mafia 3 DLC chapter, “Sign of the Times”. It will launch on July 25th, and it’s bringing a very different story this time around. Lincoln will be squaring off against a brand new threat to New Bordeaux – a death cult. Drawing further inspiration from the sixties, Sign of the Times really dives into the dark underbelly of the decade. The cult, called The Ensanglante, is heavily based on the Manson family, and the general idea of a counter-culture movement gone horribly wrong.

The announcement came with a short video that gives us a sneak peek at what we can expect from the upcoming DLC. Surprisingly, it seems that Mafia 3 will go down a straight horror route with this last chapter. There’s plenty of blood and disturbing religious imagery. The general atmosphere might remind players of Outlast 2, or the first season of True Detective. It has a heavy Southern Gothic vibe, taking a huge step from what Mafia 3 had to offer before.

Spoiler warning: The following paragraph and video contain some minor spoilers for Sign of the Times. If you want to dive in knowing nothing about the plot, best stop reading now.

In the video, we find out how the plot of the upcoming DLC kicks off. Lincoln and Father James are going to Sammy’s, only to witness a horrifying murder ritual taking place. They manage to chase the cultists away and rescue a girl. Lincoln heads off to investigate The Ensanglante, but on his way, it seems he’ll have to face many disturbing sights and events. In a couple of shots, it seems that reality is shifting, and we might have trouble figuring out what’s real. It’s a really cool, Lovecraftian twist; a strange but fitting final chapter for Mafia 3.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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