Mass Effect Andromeda How to Get Platinum Nomad Skin & Pathfinder Helmet
Platinum Nomad skin & Pathfinder Helmet are cosmetic items in Mass Effect Andromeda. They’re exclusive rewards for people who took part in the Andromeda Initiative marketing campaign. In order to get them, you have to sign up for the newsletter and watch all six training videos. After that, all you have to do is find them in the game. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get Pathfinder Helmet & Platinum Nomad skin in Mass Effect Andromeda, what they look like.
Where to find Platinum Nomad Skin
The flashy skin for your off-road vehicle is a reward for simply signing up to the Andromeda Initiative newsletter. After you start playing, wait until you reach Eos. Go to your personal quarters on the Tempest, and look for the skin next to the email terminal. You need to be online in order to get it, though.

How to get Pathfinder Helmet in ME: Andromeda
The helmet is another reward. In order to get it, you’ll need to sign up to the newsletter and watch all 6 training videos. We don’t know how skipping through them affects the prize unlock, so just soldier through and watch them in their entirety. Once you’re done, you’ll find it in your bedroom aboard the Tempest, after you reach Eos. Make sure you’re connected to the internet before trying to pick it up.

We’re not sure if the Initiative will be available once the game is released, so if you want them, you better hurry up and do the tasks before launch. The items will be tied to your account, which will probably stop them from vanishing as time passes, but the actual site may easily disappear once the game is out.