Monster Hunter Rise Amiibo Lottery

Amiibo Lottery in MH Rise is a special system that allows you to use amiibo to get useful items; mostly consumables and resources and the like. Amiibo specific to the new Monster Hunter can even grant one-off rewards on their own. However, the issue here is that you can’t just scan amiibo and get rewards in MHR. Instead, you have to interact with a specific NPC, spin the wheel, and see what you get. It’s a little messy, but I appreciate the effort to make it more immersive. In our Monster Hunter Rise Amiibo Lottery guide, we’ll show you how use amiibo, and how the whole system works.

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monster hunter rise amiibo lottery
Monster Hunter Rise Amiibo Lottery

How to Use Amiibo Lottery in Monster Hunter Rise

To use Amiibo in Monster Hunter Rise, you basically have to play Amiibo Lottery, with some exceptions. In order to do that, you have to go and talk to Kagero the Merchant in the village. You can see where to find Kagero in the image below. When you talk to them, the options you should have are Buy, Sell, Use Amiibo, and Chitchat. Obviously, you need to select the third option. From there, you can scan up to three different amiibo to enter the lottery; a single amiibo can only be used for one entry per day.

how to use amiibo lottery monster hunter rise
Talk to Kagero the Merchant

For the amiibo lottery, you can use any figurine that you own. When the game prompts you to read your amiibo, hold it over the NFC touchpoint. When you read it successfully, the Lottery tab will appear in your dialogue with Kagero. Select that, confirm your selection, and watch the wheel spin. With any luck, you’ll get some useful items. Again, you can spin the wheel three times a day, but you need to scan a different amiibo for every spin.

That’s how the amiibo lottery in Monster Hunter Rise works. Now, there is a bit of extra info we have to throw in here. There are three amiibo specific to MH Rise – a Palico, a Palamute, and the Magnamalo amiibo (exclusive to the physical Collector’s Edition). Scanning these will earn you special one-off rewards without having to play the lottery. Specifically, they grant you Special Layered Armor.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.