High Quality Pelt Monster Hunter Rise - Unlock High Rank in MH Rise

High quality pelts are materials needed for crafting S quality armor sets and some weapons in MH Rise. To get access to them you also have to unlock high rank in Monster Hunter Rise. They drop from a couple of monsters on high rank maps. You will first have to unlock high rank by progressing through the game. We’ll give you details on where Monster Hunter Rise high-quality pelts can be obtained as well as how to unlock high rank in MH Rise.

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High Quality Pelt Monster Hunter Rise Unlock High Rank in MH Rise

Where to find high-quality pelt in MH Rise?

High quality pelts drop from a couple of monsters on high rank versions of Shrine Ruins and Frost Islands. High rank Kelbi has a 45% chance of dropping this material. Kelbi are found on Shrine Ruins in area 11 and 13. You need to carve the body of the monster to have a chance to obtain it. Another location for getting high-quality pelts is Frost Islands map. Reach high rank and look for Anteka monster in Frost Islands. They can be found in regions 6 and 1. Carving their body has 18% chance of netting high-quality pelts. If you get warm pelts instead then it means you are on low rank and have to reach high rank to be able to carve better materials.

How to unlock high rank in MH Rise?

You have to reach 6* village quests and then do the three special license test quests. This unlocks high rank in Monster Hunter Rise. Special license test quests are a new mechanic that lets you just do village quests without the need to do similar hub quests again. Once you reach rank 6* village quests these special license test quests are a shortcut to jump straight into high rank. If you play multiplayer a lot, and therefore do hub quests a lot, you won’t need to do this. You will reach high hunter rank naturally through multiplayer. Doing speciual license test quests lets you skip low rank hub quests. Cool video explaining all this can be seen here.

MH Rise High-quality pelt armor and weapon reequirements

The following armor sets and weapons require at least one piece of high-quality pelt. If you are aiming to craft any of the following then you better reach high rank and get on with Kelbi farming.

  • Arzuros S Set
  • Bone S Set
  • Droth S Set
  • Hunter S Set
  • Izuchi S Set
  • Khezu S Set
  • Lagombi S Set
  • Leather S Set
  • Volvidon S Set
  • Cyclecaster (weapon)
  • Grass Flute II (weapon)