How to Start Sunbreak DLC Monster Hunter Rise

Sunbreak is the latest DLC expansion to MHR. Of course, being an expansion, it brings a lot of new content into the game. This includes a whole new area, with its own set of characters, quests, abilities, and so on. Though, you may be wondering how to start the Sunbreak DLC for Monster Hunter Rise. Well, in this guide, we are going to explain what are the prerequisites you will need to meet before you can start your new Sunbreak adventures, as well as what to do in case you cannot get Sunbreak to run.

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How to Start Sunbreak DLC Monster Hunter Rise

How to Start MHR Sunbreak DLC

To be able to start the MHR Sunbreak DLC, you will first need to have successfully completed the HR7 Hub Quest “Serpent Goddess of Thunder”. Essentially, this means that you need to beat the base game first. Alternatively, if you do not meet these requirements – don’t fret, the developers have got you covered. Namely, a new “Black Belt S” hunter armor set, as well as a high rank “Defender” weapon tree have been added to the game. You can claim these from Senri the Mailman at the very start of the game. With them, you should be able to breeze through the (base) game so that you can take on Sunbreak content very soon.

Speaking of which, when you have finished “Serpent Goddess of Thunder”, the next thing you need to do is to speak with Rondine – a new NPC – in Kamura village. This will begin the Sunbreak content and you will soon find yourselves at Elgado Outpost. If you are having trouble accessing Sunbreak content altogether, even though you meet the requirements to do so, you can try a couple of things. The first of these is to simply wait a couple more hours – it could be that the DLC still hasn’t been unlocked in your region. Or it could be that your system hasn’t been completely downloaded this update. To see if that is the case, try closing your game and then restarting it again.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.